Public Notification. Date: 11/03/2022
This is to notify all the incorporated companies that, Online Single Window Registry
System has now deployed end to end module on change management with following EServices:
With deployment of the above E-Services, all those existing companies incorporated
before 2019 which have migrated their data into the system and the new companies
incorporated online through Single Window Registry System can hereafter avail all the
above mentioned E-Services.
Those companies which are yet to migrate their data despite repeated reminders since
25/01/2019 are hereby urged to migrate their data to avail the above mentioned E-Services
(visit and click on ‘Migrate Existing Company’ button).
We shall not entertain any offline applications for those E-Services deployed on the
system hereafter, except those justified by genuine circumstances. Kindly contact us @
17883358/17503309/17941712 or email us at,, for further information.
©2025, Corporate Regulatory Authority of Bhutan. All rights reserved.